TSI worked with the City of Anacortes to improve the performance and enhance the safety at the intersection of D Avenue and 32nd Street. A single-lane mini-roundabout was designed and will be constructed at the intersection. Currently, D Avenue is free-flowing with stop-sign control on 32nd Street. Residents and Anacortes School District (ASD) bus drivers report long delays on 32nd Street. The 32nd Street/ D Avenue intersection is located in a primarily residential area, yet is the intersection of two primary roadways. Vehicles using the intersection include passenger cars, school buses, gravel mining trucks, and heavy equipment trailers. Commercial Avenue, D Avenue, 12th Street, and 32nd Street form a continuous roadway network around a central portion of the City with the 32nd Street/D Avenue intersection in the southeast corner. 32nd and 12th Streets provide continuous east-west connectors; D and Commercial Avenues provide continuous north-south connectors. The eastbound SR 20 Spur terminates at the Washington State Ferry Terminal. Ferry traffic that wishes to avoid Commercial Avenue uses D Avenue and 32nd Street as a bypass route.